Group Policy analytics

Group Policy analytics

Group Policy analytics

The GPO analytics tools

The Group Policy anlytics tools is a very interesting tools if you want migrate to the modern management and configure computer with Intune. He offer few scenarios

  • Analyzes on-premise GPOs
  • Validate if the parameter configured by Active Directory GPO is supported by Intune (configured through Intune)
  • Verify if any setings in the GPO is deprecated or not available

Export a GPO

From the Group Policy Management console, expand domain name and click on Group Policy Objects.

Click on Group Policy Objects for view all GPO

Click right on the desired GPO and cick on Save Report. Repeat the same action for all desired GPO. I have exported my gpo to configure the WinRM Listeners and for configure Windows Update For Business.

Save report for the desired GPO

Selet the xml format and enter a name for the file.

Select xml format and enter the file name

The report has been generated. The file will use on the Intune portal.

Select xml format and enter the name of the file

Analytics the GPO

From the Intune portal, click on Devices then on Group Policy analytics.

Configure group policy analytics

Click on Import to import the xml file previously created.

Import report previously generted

Select all XML file. Verify that the file is been imported.

Verify that the file is imported

Verify the MDM support column to validate that all parameter can be configured.

Validate MDM support

Migrate Policy to Intune

If all settings are supported by Microsoft Intune, the policy can be created in Microsoft Intune. From the portal, click on le percentage in the MDM support column.

click on the MDM Column

All of the settings configured in the group policy appear. Click on Migrate to create Intune policy.

CLick on Migrate to create Intune policy

Select the parameter that you want migrate or the button Select all on this page if you want migrate all page then click on Next.

select the desired settings

Configuration appear, click on Next.

Configure the settings

Enter the name of the configuration profile then click on Next.

Enter a name of the profie

Click on Next in the next windows and click on Deploy. The profile is now been created.

confguration profile is now configured

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