Backup Teams
Backup Teams
Teams is a great tool for exchanging documents, Tchat, collaborating on the same project, … It is therefore important to save all these exchanges (tchat, file, …). Veeam Backup for Office 365 permit to backup and restore Office 365 object (Exchange, Sharepoint, Onedrive).
Create backup jobs
From Veeam Backup for Office 365 server, select Organizations tab and click on Backup
Enter a name of the backup job and click on Next.
I would like backup my user account and my teams. Teams contain pdf file, doc file, … On Veeam console, click on Add then on user and select user.
Select the user that you want and click on Add
Select the Sharepoint, all sharepoint site and teams appear. Select the teams that you want backup and click on Add. When selection is finished, click on Next.
You can exclude if you want any object.
Select backup repository and click on Next.
Configure schedule as you want. Backup job appear on Veeam console, you can start the job.
Restore Conversation history
The backup is now finished and it’s possible to restore Teams object. From the Veeam console, open Organizations tab and expand Explore. Click on Explore Exchange point-in-time state
Select the point in time that you want and click on Finish
Veeam explorer for Microsoft Exchange opens. With this explorer, it’s possible to restore conversation history. From the explorer, expand user and select Conversation history then Team Chat. All conversation appear and it’s possible to restore one or all discussion.
Restore Team
With Veeam for Office 365, you can restore file, … stored on your team. From the Veeam console, open Organizations tab and expand Explore. Click on Explore Sharepoint point-in-time state
Select the point in time that you want and click on Finish
The Sharepoint explorer opens, expand the team taht you want restore. it’s possible to restore site in full.
You can also restore documents, onenote, … store on the team.