Azure Migrate

Azure Migrate

Azure Migrate

Azure Migrate offer Tools for migrate on-premises infrastructure, applications or data to Microsoft Azure. The Following features are present on Azure Migrate :

  • Unified migration platform : A portal for run and track the migration to Azure.
  • Tools : A Tools for assessment and migrate on-premises ressources.
  • Assessment and migration – Servers : For assess and migrate on-premises servers to Azure VMs.
  • Assessment and migration – Databases: For assess and migrate on-premises database servers to Azure SQL DB or Azure SQL Managed Instance.
  • Assessment and migration – Web applications : For assess and migrate on-premises web applications to Azure App Service.
  • Assessment and migration – Data : For assess and migrate data with Azure Data Box products.

Server Assessment tool

The Server Assessment tool permit to discover and assesses on-premise VM (VMware, Hyper-V or physical servers). This Tools facilitates migration by identifying on-premises machine that are ready to migrate to Azure with Azure readiness. You can estimate the size of Azure VMs with this Tools with Azure sizing and the cost

An Appliance is deployed on on-premises infrastructure. He can run on a physical server or VM. He permit to detect on-premises machines and send machines metadata to Azure Migrate. This applicance is agentless so you need install any agent on machine discovered.

Server Migration tool

This Tools permit to migrate on-premises machines (VMware, Hyper-V or physical servers) to azure. The migration step can be started with or without assessment. Different Tools can be use on this step.

Migrate VMware vm to Azure

Before prepare migrating, it’s important to verify the prerequisites. It’s possible to use this link Verify prerequisites.

Create Azure Migrate project

From the Azure portal, click on All Services then search Azure Migrate. Click on Azure Migrate.

Azure Migrate - Create Azure Migrate project

On Overview tab click on Assess and migrate servers.

Azure Migrate - Create Azure Migrate project

Click on Add Tools.

Azure Migrate - Add tools

Select the desired Resource group or create a new one. Enter the name of the project and select region. Click Next to validate modification.

Azure Migrate - Create tools

Select the desired assessment tool and click on Next. I choose Azure Migrate : Server Assessment.

Azure Migrate - Select assessment tools

Select the migration tool and click on Next. I choose Azure Migrate : Server Migration.

Azure Migrate - Select assessment tools

Click on Add Tools for launch operation.

Azure Migrate - Lauch creation tools

Click on Add Tools for launch operation. After few minutes, the Tools has been created. Refresh web page if necessary.

- creation Tools is ok

Set up the appliance VM

Before add Appliance on on-premise infrastructure, you need download it. From the Azure portal, click on Servers then on Discover.

Azure Migrate- Download OVA

Select the type of machine and click on Download

Azure Migrate - Download OVA

Deploy appliance

From the vSphere portal, click on Virtual Machines then on Create / Register VM.

Azure Migrate - Import VM

Select Deploy a virtual machine from an OVF or OVA file and click on Next.

Azure Migrate - Import VM

Enter the desired name for the VM and click on the link Click to select files or drag/drop. Click on Next for validate selection.

Select OVF file

Select the desired storage and click on Next.

Select OVF file

Configure Deployment options and click on Next.

Select OVF file

Click on Finish. VM has been imported.

Select OVF file

The VM is imported and started. Launch console and configure password. Click on Finish.

Select OVF file

Select the VM for view IP address assigned at the appliance.

Connect to VM

Open a browser on any machine (connected at the same network to the VM) and open the Following URL

  • https://appliance name or IP address:44368

Enter the username administrator and the password previously configured. The web app appear. Accept terms of licence.

Accept terms of licence

Internet connection has verify and next hour of the applicance vm is synchronisez with NTP server. The wizard install the latest update.

Configure applicance

Click on Verify and Install then on Continue.

Click on Connect and enter credential of Azure admin. Select Subscription, Migration project and enter the name of the Appliance. Click on Register then on Continue.

Configure applicance

Configure applicance

You can specify vcenter information (ip address, username, …) for discover VM automatically and click on Validate connection.

Enter username of VCenter

Click on Add credentials for enter the credential for the VM.

Enter credential

Enter Username, password and click on Add.

Enter credential

When is finished, click on Save and start discovery.

Start discovery

The Discovery has been started.

Start discovery

After few minutes/hour, the VM list appeat on Azure. From the Azure portal, open Azure Migrate project and click on Discovered items.

Discovered items

Select the project, VM present on the ESXi appear. Two of my VM has shutdown and he have Not available status (Application discovered).

Discovered items

Set up an assessment

It’s possible to create two different assessment.

  • Performance-based : This assessment is based on the collected performance data. The VM Size is based on CPU and memory used.
  • On-premises : This assessment is based on on-premise size.

From the Azure portal, click on Discovered items and click on Create assessment.

Azure Migrate - Discovered items

Enter the assessment name and the desired name for the group. Select the VM and click on Create assessment.

Azure Migrate- Create assessment

The assessment group appear on Azure portal. Click on Assessments.

Azure Migrate - Create assessment

The assessment appear, click on the previous created assessment.

Azure Migrate - Create assessment

It’s possible to see the different cost for server present on the assessment group.

Cost on Azure for Srv

Migrate VM to Azure

Migration can be operated with or without agent. You can select without agent scenario if you need install anything on Azure VM. I choose to use migration with agent.

From the Azure portal, click on Servers then on Groups.

Access to group

Click on the Groups. The machine present on the groups appear. Click on Requires agent installation.

Download agent

Click on Configure OMS Workspace. Enter the name of the OMS Workspace and select the location. Click on Configure.

Create OMS Workspace

When the OMS Workspace is created, download Microsoft Monitoring Agent.

Download MMA Agent

Copy and install agent on the server that you want replicate. A wizard appear, click on Next.

Install MMA Agent

Accept the terms of licence by clicking on Accept.

Install MMA Agent

Validate the destination folder and check Connect agent to Azure Log Analytics (OMS).

Install MMA Agent

From the Azure portal, copy Workspace ID and Workspace key. Paste this ID on install Windows.

Copy workspace

Copy workspace

Configure Windows Update option and click on Install.

Install agent

Restart server and repeat the same operation with Step 2.

Install agent

From the Azure portal, click on Discovered items then on Replicate.

Install agent

Specify in the drop-down list whether the machine is virtualized or not and then the Appliance to use. Click on Next Virtual Machines.

Configure Replicate

From the drop-down list, select Yes, Apply migration settings from an Azure Migrate assessment. Select Group and Assessment. Select the desired virtual machine and click on Next Target Settings.

Configure Replicate

Select the desired Region and the Resource group. You need to select Virtual Network and subnet. Click on Next:Compute.

Configure Replicate

Select the Azure VM Size and click on Next: Disk.

Configure Replicate

Configure disk and start replication.

Configure Replicate

Deployment is in progress.

Configure Replicate

Configure Replicate

From the Azure Migrate portal, click on Overview.

Azure Migrate - Verify Replicate

Click on Replicating machines for view the state of replication to Azure. In production, it’s possible to see the migration state

Azure Migrate 6 Verify Replicate

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